Game code added

Game code has been added. Please note that this code does not include a playable game; we would like to get that out of the way right away! The code was recently uncovered and cleaned up by Dakusan, and in his words:

Running it though won't actually show much of anything as certain areas of the code need to be tied together to show the systems working together. I overhauled the lua scripting engine, but then never updated the actual lua scripts! So right now it just shows the person doing their idle animation like in the screenshot, and that's it.

So it is what it is: code, though it is compilable and, like all the other assets, free to be used by everyone. And with that, there's no more missing content for Dungeon Panic. Everything produced for the game up to its unfinished state in 2016 is now archived and available on this page.

The state of the system, as relayed by Dakusan:

Complete:  Character generation and display engine, dungeon generation and display engine (incuding fog of war type hiding), Lua scripting engine, turn manager, music system

Partially complete: Lua scripts, item system (needs a complete overhaul), personality management system

Unsure: Fighting system, sound system (probably complete)


Game code & Git repository (7z) 10 MB
Jan 01, 2021

Get Dungeon Panic

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